Diet Advice Diet Advice Form Owner Contact Details First Name Last Name Mobile Email Postcode I would like nutritional advice delivered -None- By Phone By Email Sub-Pipeline Education/Training Standard Stage New Diet Advice Enquiry Brochure Sent Followed up for information acknowledgment Called/emailed with advice Completed- Advice given Completed- Advice not given 2 Week Follow Up Horse Details Horses Name Age Height Measurement in hand's or cm's Breed Sex -None- Mare Gelding Stallion Body Weight Kilograms Current Condition -None- Underweight- Would like to gain weight Good- Would like to maintain weight Overweight - Would like to lose weight Body Score -None- 1. Poor 2. Very Thin 3. Thin 4. Moderately Thin 5. Moderate 6. Moderately Fleshy 7. Fleshy 8. Fat 9. Extremely Fat Not sure? view the attachment for more information Body Type -None- Hard Keeper Normal Keeper Easy Keeper Activity Level -None- Maintenance - Adult horse being excercised Light Work - Adult horse being lightly exercised for 1-3 hrs per week Medium Work - Adult horse being moderately exercised for 3-5 hrs per week Heavy Work - Adult horse being intensely exercised for 5+ hrs per week Retired/ Senior - Aged horse needing additional nutritional support Speller - A horse not actively exercised or recovering from injury Empty/Early Pregnant Mares -An empty mare preparing for breeding season or mare in 1st/2nd trimester Late Pregnant Mare - A mare in the last trimester of pregnancy Lactating Mare - A mare currently nursing a foal at foot Stallion - A stallion currently performing breeding duties Weanling - A non-nursing growing horse up to 12 months old Yearling - A growing horse over 12 months old not being excercised Type of Work/Discipline Temperament -None- Normal Excitable Lazy Are you happy with your horses temperament? -None- Yes No How is your horse housed? -None- Paddocked Stabled or Yarded Stable/Yarded & Paddocked Does your horse have nutritional health issues? Current Feed Details Pasture Quality -None- Good- lush green, well covered Average- mixture of pasture and weeds, some cover Poor - little pasture, weeds or bare patches No pasture Type of pasture? Time spent grazing a day? Does your horse graze oxalate pastures? -None- Yes No Grass species include Kikuyu, Buffel, Pangola, Couch, Paspalum, Rhodes Grass, and Setaria. What type of hay do you feed your horse? How much hay are they being fed per day? kilograms Do they get a hard feed? List product and weight of each (per day) Do you add supplements to their hard feed? List each supplement and amount being given Any concerns with your current feeding regime? ×