Courtney Munro- South Australia


Eventing and Dressage 

Where you are from?

Our property is based in Nairne Sout Australia 

Who has influenced your passion for equestrian the most and why? 

I’ve certainly been influenced by many people and horses throughout my time in the sport it would be too hard to pick just one. My parents have always been extremely supportive and have helped me with my passion for running a business. Coaches have helped me develop a passion for learning and improving my skills and understanding, but also my love for coaching as well. My peers have helped me enjoy competing and day to day life. But I guess the passion truely comes from all the past and present horses I’ve come across. Not just my own but also client horses. They are all so different and they all affect you in different ways.  

What has been your biggest riding-related accomplishment?

I’ve been very fortunate to have had success with a lot of my horses, whether it’s Melbourne 2 star, competing PSG, winning Young Horse competitions, or their first long format. However I would say my horses are my biggest accomplishment. Producing them all and bringing the best out of all of them in their own individual ways is what I’m most proud of. All that really matters to me is a happy, fit, healthy horse that is doing the best they can do.

What do you do to prepare yourself for competition?

I don’t necessarily have any superstitions, but I am definitely a control freak and have a detailed schedule written out for each competition and lots of lists!

What is your dream riding goal?

It would be an absolute dream to represent Australia one day, and to compete at the top of the sport is the goal. But I love achieving all the little goals along the way, particularly while producing the young horses!

Which is your favourite Johnson’s Natural Formula feed and why?

I use the Alfalfa Plus, Platinum Low GI, Every Horse Weight Gain, and Fibre safe. 
I particularly love the Alfalfa Plus and Fibre Safe. The Alfalfa Plus is low sugar but high fibre and protein which is perfect for the performance horses and is ulcer friendly. 
I love including the Fibre Safe into my feeds as well to give the horses some extra fibre and roughage. 
Above: Courtney Munro & RP Varsavia
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