Naomi Lee – Queensland

Discipline: Reined Cow Horse, Ranch, Reining

Where you are from: Woodford, Queensland

Who has influenced your passion for equestrian the most and why?

My mentor is Darren Simpson, I’m so lucky to have such a great horseman as my neighbour and friend. When I’m getting stuck with a challenging horse he always has a different (and kind) way to offer the horse through the issue. Sarah Dawson who is a reined cow horse trainer from the is such an incredible inspiration. And I can’t wait to see a woman win the world’s greatest horseman competition.

What has been your biggest riding-related accomplishment?

Winning the 2016 cowboy up challenge at Equitana launched my career as a professional horsewoman, before that I did not believe I had the skills or talent to do this as a career.

What do you do to prepare yourself for competition?

Well, I’m definitely partial to a drop of nice whiskey but that happens all the time. I just get really focused on my daily training and I have found the mental athletics course for horseman with Gilead Friedman to be the best way to prepare mentally.

What is your dream riding goal?

I get to live my dream every day, training horses at home in stunning surroundings.

Which is your favourite Johnson’s Natural Formula feed and why?

My favourite Johnson’s feed is Alfalfa Plus. Purely because we have such a massive range of horses coming and going from my place every week.
I just need to keep it simple with a product that’s great for every horse. It has a great vitamin and mineral profile, toxin binder and pre and pro biotics. All horses seem to manage their weight well on it and they all love the taste. It saves me so much time and money to have all of those things in one product.

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