Discipline: Professional Colt Starter / Clinician / Camp drafter
Where you are from: Eddington, Central Victoria
Who has influenced your passion for equestrian the most and why?
Ian Francis – amazing horseman
What has been your biggest riding-related accomplishment?
Winning Equitina 2014 then going back to win Champion of Champions 2018
What do you do to prepare yourself for competition?
Keep a clear head, and to ride for my horse
What is your dream riding goal?
To produce the best horses that I can
Which is your favourite Johnson’s Natural Formula feed and why?
Johnson’s Horse and Pony Pellets, it keeps condition on my horses all year round without excess energy
Above: Bruce O’Dell Supreme at EQUITANA ‘All-Star’ The Way Of The Horse 2018!
Below: Bruce O’Dell Competing in Equitana 2014 “Way of the Horse”