Jess Hahn – New South Wales

Discipline: Breakaway Roper and Barrel Racer

Where you are from: Originally from St Kitts, South Australia, recently moved to Tabbita, New South Wales.

Who has influenced your passion for equestrian the most and why?

Growing up, my whole family has always been involved in rodeos. From a young age, I always looked up to my Auntie’s and Uncles competing. My Mum and Aunty Jen have always been huge mentors for me, teaching me how to rope from such as young age, along with Aunty Lis and Uncle Adrian supporting me training my horses. From a professional standpoint, Lisa Lockhart has always been an inspiration to be and her horse ‘Louie’, watching them compete at the National Finals Rodeo was always my favourite time of the year. 

What has been your biggest riding-related accomplishment?

My biggest accomplishment would be competing in Emerald, QLD 3 years in a row with the top 10 Junior Barrel Racers in the country. Also winning the Australian Professional Rodeo Association TRI-Series Junior All Round Cowgirl Title in 2019.

What do you do to prepare yourself for competition?

Practice, practice, practice before a rodeo, I always iron my shirts, rope the dummy beforehand, cut my strings and powder my ropes.

What is your dream riding goal?

My dream competing goal would be to qualify for the Australian Professional Rodeo Association Open Finals for Breakaway Roping on my horse ‘Fancy’ which my family bred and trained. 

Which is your favourite Johnson’s Natural Formula feed and why?

Alpha Plus with the combination of Fibre Balancer is our absolute favourite go-to for Johnson’s Natural Formula feed. My horses love the lucerne within the Alpha Plus pellet, the fibre and nutrients within the Fibre Balancer pellet is a great mix. Both my mares respond amazingly on the feed, feeling good and strong while looking their best as well.

Above: Jess & Pretty winning the Open Breakaway Roping at Wilmington Pro Rodeo

Below: Jess & Pretty winning the Open Breakaway Jackpot held at Mount Pleasant

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